Thursday, August 5, 2010

100% noob.

its true, i am your textbook definiton NOOB.
this is my first blog, making me a newbie, hence, noob. to tell you the truth i dont even know why im blogging or what the heck it even is. i guess im feeling the sting of being completely illiterate these past months on summer break. im actually ready for school, starting highschool, dang.
how sad is that? he doesnt even come with a shirt.
it makes you feel really old when you are walking down the toy isle and realize that you are no longer picking out these toys for yourself this christmas rather then getting them for your younger cousin. instead, you look at these toys and they remind you to get a job so you can afford the ridiculous cost of your average barbie. i mean, 20$ for a big-boobed-small-waist peice of plastic? even more if its formed to look like the recent vampire fettish?
(have u heard of the new movie Vampires Suck? i cannot wait to indulge in some twilight trashing. i mean, yeah, the books were good until it was turned into these movies and battles between these characters that arent even real! i mean, fist fights over team edward / jacob? insanity. plus, the casting for the movies went COMPLETELY south. who remembers Robbert Pattinson from Harry Potter? howsabout team cedric diggory? or in his new movie Remember Me? great role for him. same for Kirsten Stewart, she was perfect for the role in Adventureland. If u ask me, Twilight should have been the end of their careers, not the beggining.)
back to barbies. even when they model it to look like a movie character, they still have to make it look like THE perfect female body. no one in the world has a body like that, i mean, permanent pointed toes? that just cannot be comfortable!
but really, im adressing this to you, you who i do not know or do, or even if im writing this for the air. im just basically venting and being your average teen.

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